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We love taking photos of our kids, whether it be with the phone, the DSLR or the Polaroid. Kids grow up so fast and we want to preserve these memories as much as we can.

However, taking photos for a baby and a toddler is not an easy task. At lease not with my overactive little ones that does not sit still and only follows directions when they feel like it. 😅

I’m sharing 10 tips here on how to get a baby to smile, a toddler to somewhat behave and have a few decent photos for the gram!

Baby & Toddler Photoshoot Tips

  1. Play peek-a-boo in order for them to look at the camera
  2. Use a rattle or something that makes sound to attract their attention
  3. Tickle the baby will usually get them to smile at you
  4. Sing a song, babies and toddlers love it when you sing to them. Snap a few pictures while you sing!
  5. Give them a toy to play with, and also use it as a prop
  6. Tape a piece of masking tape on the floor to get a toddler to stay in place
  7. Use food as a bribe (or for some peace and quiet amidst the chaos)
  8. Show your toddler how to pose and get them to copy you
  9. Give them a task that will look good as a pose in the photo
  10. And finally… take a million pics, there’s bound to be one good pic in there

Tip #3 & #5, get the baby to smile~

Tip #9, give them a task

Tip #10, take a million photos

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  1. 玩多貓貓,讓嬰兒看鏡頭
  2. 用撥浪鼓或有聲音的玩具來吸引寶寶的注意力
  3. 騷癢一般來說都會讓寶寶對你笑
  4. 唱一首歌,寶寶很喜歡聽你唱歌的。唱歌時趕快拍幾張照片!
  5. 拿個好看的玩具給寶寶玩,玩具也可以作為照片裡的道具
  6. 在地板上粘上一塊膠帶,可以讓小孩站在原地拍照
  7. 用零食賄賂
  8. 讓小孩學你擺 pose
  9. 給他們一個任務去做,必須是照片裡看起來好看的任務
  10. 最後……拍攝一百張照片,肯定會有一張好的!


第9招, 完成小任務

第10招, 照一百張照片


Teena Lareina

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