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Equipped with the breastfeeding experience from my firstborn, (read it here), I told myself to take it easy and go with the flow with my second baby. Even before the baby was born, I’ve already decided not to force breastfeeding upon myself if it doesn’t work out.

Before my second baby latched on, I’ve almost forgotten the pain and the struggles. But as soon as he latched, memories came flooding back. Slowly but surely, I started to feel the pain that’s associated with breastfeeding, and within the first day, my nipples were cracked and bleeding.

All the difficult memories of breastfeeding my first born was so vivid, I could not bare going through that again. With my baby’s jaundice and my nipples being painful, I asked for formula to feed my baby. Of course I received weird glances from the nurses but they complied nonetheless. I didn’t want to force myself like I did with my first born, if it is too painful to breastfeed directly I will just pump like I did before.

I protected my breasts and exclusively pumped the first week. Baby didn’t latch at all because I wanted my nipples to heal. I only allowed him to latch again when my milk came in at Day 5.

Enjoying bubble tea while nursing my newborn baby under a nursing cover.

It truly felt like a miracle. My baby latched, fed, and my nipples were fine. They weren’t painful, they didn’t hurt! I was so surprised! It is still a mystery to me why I was able to breastfeed this time around. The only thing I did differently was allowing my nipples to heal before trying again. Because breastfeeding didn’t hurt this time, I continued to exclusively breastfeed my second born til this day.

I’m a more conservative person, therefore I always use a nursing cover to breastfeed in public. However, when we travelled to Asia, it was too hot and humid, the nursing cover made it extra uncomfortable for my baby to nurse.

Yes, I’m breastfeeding here!

These fashionable nursing tops were such great finds, it meant that I could nurse my baby in public without using a nursing cover. It is also conservative enough for my liking. Best of all, these tops are so fashionable you can’t even tell they are nursing tops. It really made breastfeeding so much easier and enjoyable.

There isn’t a single right way of feeding your baby. Do what works for you and your baby. What’s comfortable for you is what’s best for your baby. Don’t ever let others tell you otherwise.

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Teena Lareina

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